Hais! =D

Age 27, Female

Er... I dunno :l

Some school :l

Ehhhhhh.....I dunno.

Joined on 1/8/12

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<a href="http://vnzi.newgrounds.com/news/post/834068">http://vnzi.newgrounds.com/news/post/834068</a> Yeah, I gotta tell Tom to take those off :|
(She) Vinzi's a great gal, but I still have no idea how or why so many people bought into the red shades.

Must be because it looks like those glasses from that guy from an anime people call 'awesome'

O_e I don't watch anime much, but, it may be so...
As a rule, I was never much for trends or fads. Going to school in the late 1980's was a nightmare, as the youth clothing culture really hit its stride :|

...Well at least clothing trends look better today. Good progress, I guess?
And I don't watch anime much either ='D I don't know why I don't, though. Maybe because of so much harem that exists in almost every anime show like as if the show wouldn't survive without it. :l....

Hm, I like Vandread, which I guess is technically a harem anime series... but the reason I like shows like that: it eliminates male competition for females, which is just as catty and emotionally charged (egotistical) as when women stalk the same guy... but yeah, there's a lot of cheesy anime with tons of women/girls in them :p

Hope all the end of the school year stuff went well! So what's doing this Summer?

If you could commission any kind of art work, what would it be? Link properly armored and armed? Space unicorns playing unicorn games? A walrus with a small top hat, monocle and umbrella?

Money?! U8?!

Hm, commissioning counterfeit work.. interesting.
I did use the word "If" in that question :) I guess the internet has the art connoisseur spoilt for choice, without paying a penny for custom stuff.. the odds are likely whatever you were looking for, is out there.

Oh I didn't mean that D8!
It's just whenever I see the word commission, I always think 'MONEY. $.$'.
Because y'know, people in DA make art for people in exchange for money =o....

People in dA live off of the sickingly sweet phrase, "Thanks for the fave", and yeah, commissions (points and cash). Considering what you get for what you pay for, it ain't bad sometimes. The canvas workers on this site are pretty good too.. though you can tell when something's gonna cost big bucks.

And Ilama stickers! Don't forget about the Ilama stickers! =/
Really, I sometimes hate it because of so much OCs that exist there, but I guess that's the reason why artists get money. Oh silly commissioners ='D.... you and your laziness.

Yup, art on newgrounds' is awesome and people in here are badass who make interesting newsposts. I'm glad the artist riff raff isn't filled up with 'COMISSIONS OPEN' because otherwise... *jumps off a clilff* it'd be a boring place ='D

(Somehow I get the feeling this doesn't make any sense. Blame my lack of sleep qq)

Ummm, those llamas really threw me for a loop. Why a hairy, unkempt, spitty mammal? That must be what the staff thinks the userbase looks like.

Pff, there are tons of those posts here, you can't blame them for getting gas money, to offset the time and electric cost, of what they give us for nothing. Could name more than a few here who do make a living from art... but you either multitask in this economy, or you die. A lot of kids here look like a baby bird on the precipice of the nest *splat - in comes cat, mcnugget time*

Maybe the staff....just likes... Ilamas....
Actually, now I think about it... they spit, so why does the staff like them so much?

But at least the commissioners here aren't that blunt... right...?
I guess it's true that commissions are the only ways to get money for an artist...even the thought of it makes me want to open a commission, too.
l8 Maaaaaaaybeeeeee....

It's a shame money's so tight these days, but if the big companies would just spend all those big ads on lots of little ads, instead of some plush agency that does National crud... things wouldn't suck so much.

Weirdly, I got a piece of art today, for free, from Canada! It was an art contest... which I would've lost, but since only 3 people entered, she took pity on the entrants. Soo, now I have this glossy 6x8 of a gorgeous redhead in a blue camisole, and she won't stop staring at me O_O

She's doing another contest <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1345914">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1345914</a>

I don't think I should join the contest though. I'm scared my drawings are too anime-like D8
or cartoony-like... that isn't good, right?
*uncomfortably squirms on my seat* ._.;;

I dunno... doubt it. Here's the simple version of what she sent me <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/clueless-queen/nice-panties">http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/clueless-qu een/nice-panties</a>

...I bet you enjoy looking at that piece of art. >>;;

She likes looking at me :3 Have you been writing anything creative lately?
Odd, my buddy said he just picked up a new Stephen King novel, 'Carnival (something)'... very atypical for him, usually goes for the boring, period non-fictionals.

Hmmm... I kinda am... I write things little by little.... it's kinda hard trying to describe every movement....

Also maybe your buddy wants to take a break from non-fictional era stuff? I mean, it's always nice to try something different =D

Also....what do you mean by "the simple version" of the art you got? You mean the one you have right now is extremely NSFW? o w o;;?!

Yeah, know what you mean. You saw my Pico Day post (right?), it was all about how I got there, damn near move for move... should've cut sentences and paragraphs.

Quite likely. Haven't seen him in years, but he calls and emails (spams) me often... good friend. We met through a mutual friend, doing stuff for public access cable TV in the late 90's.

Oh, no, it's actually cropped at the legs :( but I thought the BG was different... wasn't. Just flattered someone would send me a print of their work! Hmm, maybe I should commission some sexy stuff, huh? Seems like I'm buying comic books and prints out of obligation, but it's the right thing to do, especially since they've entertained me so well!

Looking forward to finding a job and making some money of your own (presuming you haven't already)?

Like a verbatim kind of thing? ='D
I've read that post and yeah, I guess I did get bored as I read it, word for word xD

Oh. So he lives far, huh?

8l sexy stuff.... maybe I'll dig it? D8???

Trying to find a good part time job.... but not where I'll meet most of my classmates (it makes me feel awkward whenever they're around ='D)

:O uuuhhh, I'm a boring old man!! Well, how else can you write about a party, which by definition, is just drinking and talking, and light goings on? Maybe I took the gossip column route, huh?

Oh yeah, he's up in Washington State, with 2 kids, wife, father in law... possibly one or two others, they keep stray people, like some people do with cats and dogs. My buddy's the only white person in the house, aside from his half Chinese kids.. he's also 63 :| Better late than never I guess....

Hmm, yeah, not into sexy as much as cool art (art with a story or setting), but since sex is all over the Art portal, guess I'll play to ppl's strengths. Paypal is sooo stupid to use!

Eh, 'good' and 'part time' usually seldom go together, but I know what you mean.

Oh well.... I... *has no words*
8l.... I guess that's true. I laughed at the awkward moments you experienced in the party, though='D

Oh, that's sounds nice of them to do. Y'know helping stray people and all.... I wonder if they're a bother to them sometimes.

You're gonna draw what everyone wants?! Manipulation...myessssssssss -I mean... uh... more fans? Yay! =D.....

I'd to Mcdonalds but.... I'll just end up daydreaming about having a date with their french fries, because everyone knows their fries are the best! =3...

Yeah, everyone likes reading about awkwardness. As far as my buddy out West.. gonna find out soon! He should be done with dinner about now... A guy I went to high school with called while I was doing dishes, he was up here (from Florida, with his gay lover) 2 weeks ago to see his Ma, who's not doing so well :( He's got AIDS but he's doing really well, which sucks, he's a nice guy!

Haha, yesh dey maketh teh best fries! Some Mickey D's are good places to work, depends on the manager. It can get crazy at times, best position is grill... hmmm

Hmm, the guy I mentioned from FL, was just here.. had to attend his mama's wake this past Friday :|
He flew in, because it was her time... just sucks I couldn't give him any money before he went home.

How is he? Is he okay with...uh... AIDS?

Would you be? He got it from a male slut in the mid 90's. Florida subsidizes AIDS treatments I think... whatcha gonna do? He looks fine, weight is normal. I guess the virus suppressants they make, work, as long as you take one for a while, then move on to the next one... AIDS itself will probably die out eventually, after another few decades of it running around Africa :| I dunno if his BF has it...

Wow, he's going strong. Good for him.
=O! He's gay? Explains a bit =o

His father is a notorious drunk, so, not only was his name slandered from birth, and being raised by such a shit head. I met him at age 8 and around 10 or so, he said he'd be gay when the urges would compel him so.... Loves Jesus, well spoken, not given to hate or wild emotions, good friend to have.

How did he end up with uh... a male slut.. then...
*is confused with prostitute and slut*

Nah, he (my buddy) just fell for the really wrong guy, who was in denial about having AIDS :| About 2 or 3 months into the relationship, they were living together, and my friend got pressured into doing it unprotected, without him being tested... which he had been, but, denial |:

After that my buddy's ex (who was a guido from Brooklyn, real a-type personality) broke up, and reportedly tried doing the same thing to someone else... but by then, the word was out about his criminal behavior

Pressured? Huh, what a nice guy.
Should've broke up with him, but that's the past... ._ .
So was the guy arrested or?

Yeah, I met the guy briefly :| before and after my buddy figured out AIDS was involved... glad I convinced him to dump the guy...
What for?! Trying to have unprotected sex with ppl, knowing he had a incurable disease! Reckless Endangerment and one or two other charges... took a while, but my friend managed to call some of the ppl in his former BF's little black book (early 90's, no cellphones yet) and one or two of them had charges pressed against him. Took a while too :\

People keep phone book which contains all of their victim's numbers?
...That's pretty stupid (and evil).